

Our mission is to make your dream of owning a seaside home in ISRAEL a reality, providing clients abroad direct access to great opportunities in Kiryat Yam.Kiryat Yam offers relatively affordable real estate prices compared to other coastal cities, with potential for significant appreciation. Improved quality of life and government support for development enhance the city's attractiveness to investors and new residents.A coastal city on the bay between Haifa and Akko, Kiryat Yam is currently undergoing significant urban renewal. Long-ignored because of a low socio-economic profile, with a population of about 48,000 and expected growth, the city is starting to attract investor attention - and Selavan Group is already fluent in its potential, block by block.The renewal includes area redevelopment, improved infrastructure and public spaces, and new residential complexes. This creates investment opportunities in residential real estate, commercial spaces, and tourism projects.We aim to actively participate in developing Israel and uplifting its disadvantaged communities. We view overseas residents as key to strengthening the local population and improving the area.Our goal is not just to promote investments, but to contribute to Kiryat Yam's social and economic growth, creating a thriving, diverse community that benefits both residents and investors alike."The happiest people don’t have the best of everything – they just make the best of everything."

Investor Guidance Services in Kiryat Yam

We offer professional investor guidance services in the real estate sector in Kiryat Yam. If you are looking for opportunities to invest and enhance your returns, you have come to the right place. We provide personalized and tailored guidance for each client, offering a range of future projects in two main areas:Pinui Binui and TamaUrban renewal projects are transforming neighborhoods, offering a unique opportunity to upgrade living spaces and enhance property value. Whether through the construction of new, modern buildings or the strengthening of existing ones, these initiatives breathe new life into urban areas, making them more attractive, safe, and valuable.With strong support from local authorities, urban renewal not only revitalizes communities but also presents lucrative investment opportunities. The potential for property appreciation and improved quality of life makes urban renewal an exciting prospect for residents and investors alike.Benefits
Modernized living environments
Significant property value increase
Vibrant, revitalized communities
Off-Plan Purchase (Buying on Paper)
Investing in an off-plan property means purchasing a property in its early planning or construction stages. This is a unique opportunity to acquire a property at a significantly lower price than market value, and enjoy substantial profits upon completion.
Lower purchase price
High profit potential
Opportunity to influence interior design
Our Expertise and Insights
As your local experts, we provide comprehensive insights to help you identify lucrative investments in Kiryat Yam:
We thoroughly research city-approved projects and actively track private initiatives on the ground, giving you a clear picture of current and upcoming developments.
Our team regularly analyzes city zoning plans (Taba) to understand potential development opportunities that could increase property values.
We maintain close communication with the Urban Renewal Administration, ensuring you're informed about the latest plans and policies that could affect your investment.
Our deep local knowledge allows us to offer you insights into both current and future development prospects in Kiryat Yam.
By leveraging our expertise and connections, we help you make informed decisions based on the most current and accurate information available. We'll guide you towards properties with the highest potential for appreciation, ensuring your investment in Kiryat Yam is as profitable as possible.
Our service fee is a brokerage commission of 2% + VAT, reflecting our commitment to providing you with the highest level of service.If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities and projects we offer, feel free to contact us today. We are committed to providing you with personal and professional guidance at every stage of the investment process.

Q: How does Kiryat Yam urban renewal in Kiryat Yam potentially benefit investors?A: Urban renewal in Kiryat Yam typically involves demolishing older buildings and reconstructing them to higher standards. As an investor, your older apartment would be replaced with a modern, larger unit, usually including additions like a protected sealed room (Mamad), a balcony, and other enhancements. These additions often total around 25 square meters, significantly increasing the property's value and potential rental income.Additionally, you have the option to purchase apartments off-plan from developers. As a general rule of thumb, by the time these new apartments are completed, they often appreciate in value by about 20%. This offers another attractive avenue for investment, allowing you to potentially benefit from significant value appreciation before the project is even completed.Q: How does property taxation work for foreign residents in Israel?A: Investing in Israeli real estate as a foreign resident offers several tax considerations:
1.Purchase tax: 8% for properties valued up to 5,340,425 NIS, increasing to 10% for more expensive properties.
2.No annual property tax: Unlike many countries, Israel doesn't impose yearly taxes on property owners.3.Favorable rental income taxation: You can opt for a simple 10% tax on gross rental income without deducting expenses.4.Potential for reduced capital gains tax: Long-term property holdings may qualify for lower rates when selling.
While initial purchase taxes are higher for foreign residents, the overall tax structure can be quite favorable. Israel's tax treaties with many countries can help prevent double taxation, potentially maximizing your returns. As tax laws can be complex and change over time, we recommend consulting with a local tax expert to optimize your specific investment strategy.
Q: How can I identify a profitable property investment in
Kiryat Yam?
As your local experts, we provide comprehensive insights to help you identify lucrative investments in Kiryat Yam:1.We thoroughly research city-approved projects and actively track private initiatives on the ground, giving you a clear picture of current and upcoming developments.2.Our team regularly analyzes city zoning plans (Taba) to understand potential development opportunities that could increase property values.3.We maintain close communication with the Urban Renewal Administration, ensuring you're informed about the latest plans and policies that could affect your investment.4.Our deep local knowledge allows us to offer you insights into both current and future development prospects in Kiryat Yam.
By leveraging our expertise and connections, we help you make informed decisions based on the most current and accurate information available. We'll guide you towards properties with the highest potential for appreciation, ensuring your investment in Kiryat Yam is as profitable as possible.
Q8: How can I learn more about specific investment opportunities in Kiryat Yam?
A8: Contact us directly to discuss your investment goals. We can provide detailed information on current opportunities and assist you stage by stage.


Meet Dana and Shlomo
Kiryat Yam Real Estate Investment Experts

Shlomo, born in Jerusalem's Old City to American immigrants, began his real estate career in his childhood neighborhood, locating residential properties for overseas residents. He currently works primarily with investors from the US. Shlomo is a licensed real estate consultant, holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration and has studied mortgage advisory.Dana, born in Tel Aviv to parents from Morocco and Tunisia, grew up in a French-speaking household. She started her professional journey as a social worker in the Jerusalem Municipality. After years of social activism, she transitioned to the entrepreneurial world, Today, in addition to her real estate work, she guides students on how to turn ideas into startups.
Together, Dana and Shlomo combine their diverse backgrounds and expertise to offer unique insights into the Kiryat Yam real estate market, providing valuable guidance to both local and international investors.

Why Kiryat Yam?Our own investment journey began with a search for affordable real estate with high appreciation potential.Kiryat Yam caught our attention with its combination of reasonably-priced properties and promising urban renewal initiatives. As we explored the city, we saw clear parallels to the early stages of development in other coastal cities that have since experienced remarkable growth and property value increases - Bat Yam, Ashdod and southern neighborhoods of Tel Aviv (Neve Tzedek and Florentine).The ongoing transformation of Kiryat Yam, coupled with its prime beachfront location, convinced us that we had found a unique investment opportunity, potentially reaping substantial returns as the city evolves.
. The city's development trajectory, combined with its natural assets, positions it as
the next potential hotspot in Israel's sustainable real estate market.
Our Vision:
We are driven by a passion to actively participate in developing Israel and uplifting its less advantaged communities. We see overseas residents as a crucial element in strengthening the local population and improving the area. Our goal is not just to facilitate investments, but to contribute to Kiryat Yam's social and economic growth, creating a thriving, diverse community that benefits both residents and investors alike.

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  • The accessibility statement was updated on: 14/05/2024

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  • פרטי רכז הנגישות במשרדנו:

  • שם: שלמה סלאבן

  • טלפון: 058-527-7791

  • דוא”ל: [email protected]

  • הצהרת הנגישות עודכנה ביום: 14/05/2024